Stepbrother's Rules: A 1950's Ageplay Romance Read online

Page 7

  “Nope. I’m busy tonight. I may be tied up for quite a while, actually.”

  Her smile stiffened and her eyes shifted to look over his shoulder. “Well...all right,” she said, clearly in no hurry to leave. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

  “Yep. I guess so. Bye, Dottie.” He shut the door to end any further conversation and sighed. He hoped LuAnn hadn’t heard and been further mortified. While he enjoyed humiliating her for his pleasure, actually degrading her in front of someone else was a totally different thing and he didn’t want to lose the trust she had in him.

  He walked in the bedroom to see LuAnn dart to the corner with a rustle of skirts, hoisting the hem to show off her still-bared bottom. Lust kicked through him. She still wanted to play. Or to please him. Either way, she was just the way he wanted her. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

  “LuAnn, since you were very naughty, I’m going to have to use my belt on you tonight.”

  She peeked over her shoulder, her eyes wide with fear.

  He pointed at the bed. “Bend over the side of my mattress.” He unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the loops.

  She backed away from him. “Brad, no, please. I’ve learned my lesson, I swear!”

  He gave her a hard look. “I think you’re close. I’m going to give you five strokes with my belt, and after each one you will say, I will never lie to Daddy again. Understand?”

  She nibbled her lip, but walked over, as he instructed.

  He wondered if the high color in her cheeks was from embarrassment or arousal. He suspected a bit of both.

  She folded her torso over the edge of the bed.

  “Lift your skirts, LuAnn. From now on, I will always spank you on the bare, and if you fail to present yourself properly, I will ask you to take off all your clothes.” He used a sharp, scolding tone, and judging from her blush and widened eyes, she didn’t enjoy his displeasure.

  She hoisted her skirt, gathering it up under her arms. Her bottom still held the color from her hand-spanking, rosy splotches concentrated over her sit spots. He could spank her all night and never grow tired of it. The little squeaks and moans she made, the way she danced under his hand, the incredible sight her bare bottom presented, all intoxicated him.

  He rolled the buckle end of his belt around his fist to shorten the length of the strap to about a foot and a half. Although he’d only promised her five strokes, he intended to make them memorable. Her lie had irritated him and he didn’t want the behavior repeated.

  He’d never spanked a girl with a belt before, so he took careful aim, not wanting to miss his mark. Snapping it down, he caught both buttocks across the middle.

  LuAnn gave a muffled scream, her fingers twisting into his bedcovers.

  He waited. One second passed, then two.

  “I will never lie to Daddy again!” she cried, as if she’d only just caught her breath to speak.

  “Good girl.” He swung the belt again, making a neat line precisely below the first.

  Her feet pranced on the floor and she sobbed into the covers. “I will never, ever lie to Daddy again.”

  The third stripe landed below the first two, at the juncture where buttocks meets thigh.

  She squeezed her buttocks and bounced on her feet, making panicked sounds, her face still buried. “I will never lie to Daddy.” She sounded breathless again.

  For the fourth welt, he made a diagonal stripe from her right down to her left, then used a backhanded swing to lay one on the opposite diagonal after she’d spoken.

  Her back shook, but she still managed to speak the words he’d ordered.

  The task completed, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her around to the head of the bed, where he sat down with his back against the headboard, her shaking body cradled in his arms.

  He thumbed away her tears. “Shh. It’s over now and Daddy’s forgiven you. We won’t speak of it again.”

  She pressed herself against him, as if she couldn’t be close enough.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he rocked her side to side, murmuring sweet endearments into her silky hair.

  She reached for her panties, but he stopped her, dragging them off her.

  “Daddy’s not finished with his baby girl yet,” he murmured in her ear.

  She shivered, but he doubted it was from fear.

  “LuAnn,” he said huskily, “Your body belongs to Daddy.” He caressed her welted bottom with his palm, making light circles over the swollen flesh. “This bottom belongs to Daddy, and when you’re naughty, Daddy will punish it on the outside and inside.”

  Her head jerked up, her eyes wide.

  “If Daddy decides you’ve learned your lesson, then he can make it pleasurable for you. If he thinks you still require correcting, he will use it to help you remember who you belong to.”

  Her breath had quickened—the sobbing breaths long gone, replaced by short inhalations that made her perky breasts heave. “D-do you think I’ve learned my lesson?”

  The question pleased him. It meant she didn’t question or object to anything he’d asserted, only wanted to know which treatment to expect. He smiled and brushed his lips across hers. “Yes, baby girl. You took your spanking very well. Daddy is proud of you. Now, I want you to take off your clothes and lie across my lap again.”

  To his delight, she obeyed, scrambling back off him and turning her back as she unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it from her shoulders. The corset-bra followed, then the girdle and skirt. She crisscrossed her arms over her breasts and turned around.

  “LuAnn, drop your arms. You never hide from Daddy.”

  She licked her lips and the sight of her tongue made him dizzy.

  “Now, baby girl.” He brought a tinge of warning to his voice.

  She dropped her arms, clasping her fingers in front of her little pussy instead.

  He patted his lap. “Lie down, mouse.”

  She crawled over him with her bottom raised in the air and settled exactly where he wanted her. She was perfection. Seeing her like this made him vow to only spank her in the nude, despite his earlier edict. Her naked breasts pressed into the bed, her slender shoulders hunched. The graceful curve of her spine led to the delightful dimples at the back of her pelvis. And then there was her glorious ass. He loved the way it looked bearing his marks.

  He pinned her wrists at her lower back. Reaching for the baby oil beside the bed, he dribbled a line down her cleft, smiling at the way she jerked at the sensation. He rubbed the oil into her crack, massaging her inner cheeks, circling the pretty pucker of her anus. He rolled his index and middle fingers in the oil.

  “You see, when you’re naughty, my sweet little mouse, I have to remind you who is in charge.” He applied pressure to her anus, gently circling his finger. “Let me in.”

  Her little sphincter clenched, along with her buttocks.

  He slapped the back of her thigh three times and she shrieked. “I said, let me in.”

  “I-I don’t know how.”

  “Take a deep breath.”

  She complied.

  “Now blow it out and relax this.” He wiggled his finger at her back entrance.

  She obeyed and his middle finger slid inside. He eased it in and out and she arched for him, giving a cry of surprise.

  “You see, baby girl? Your bottom is mine to do whatever I please to it. Does that feel good?”

  She made an incoherent sound.

  He began to push his finger deeper with each slow inward stroke. “Do you like that? Or do you want Daddy to stop?”

  “, no, no.”

  “I can’t understand you, mouse. Tell me what you want.”

  She didn’t speak for so long he thought he’d have to chastise her again, but then she lifted her head and said hoarsely. “Please don’t stop.”

  He chuckled. “That’s my girl. I can make it good for you. When you’re very obedient, it makes Daddy want to give you every kind of pleasure.”


  He swept one finger of his other hand down over her glossy slit, stopping at the swollen nub of her clit.

  She gave another cry, lifting her hips in the air, arching and spreading her thighs wide for him.

  He nearly groaned himself. “My baby girl wants her pussy touched, doesn’t she?” He circled her sensitive nub and pumped faster with the finger in her anus.

  She made a choking sound.

  “What was that, baby girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  He smiled at her use of the word Daddy. Sliding one finger into her pussy, he withdrew it and circled her clit, then repeated the motion.

  She panted, her inner thighs trembling.

  He added a second finger into her dripping pussy, stroking her front wall.

  She jerked and he knew he’d hit her sweet spot. She began to wriggle and moan with a desperate pitch.

  He added a second finger to her anus and alternated strokes, plunging deep inside her pussy, then her rectum, as she began to cry out.

  “Oh, please, oh, please, oh, Daddy, oh, golly, oh, Daddy....eeeeee.” She shattered, her body convulsing under his hands, her hips bucking, her thighs jerking.

  “That’s it, baby doll. That’s my little girl,” he crooned. When she went still, he plunged a few more times, drawing out another mini-release, her inner walls squeezing and milking his fingers. Easing his fingers out, he slid her off his lap and went to the bathroom to wash up.

  He returned to find LuAnn up, scampering about to replace her clothing.

  “Did I say you could get dressed?”

  She froze.

  “No clothing. I want you to brush your teeth and get back in that bed. It’s early bedtime for you tonight.”

  She scowled. “What?”

  He gave her a warning look. “If you don’t want another spanking, you will do as you’re told, young lady.”

  Confusion clouded her face, but she dropped her clothes, slipping past him to the bathroom. He waited for her to return and tucked her into bed with the two teddy bears she clung to like a six-year-old. “Sweet little mouse,” he murmured as he kissed her forehead. “I love having you here.”

  She looked up at him, her big green eyes full of questions, but he clicked off the lamp and left before she could ask them. He didn’t have answers to all her questions, because they were the same ones he was asking himself.

  Chapter Five

  LuAnn checked the mirror in the morning, slightly disappointed to find only a faint few lines left from her spanking the night before. She wanted to remember everything about it. She primped in the bathroom for an extra-long time, partly because she wanted to look beautiful for Brad, but partly because she felt a bit shy about seeing him after what had happened. She heard him moving around in the kitchen and knew he’d already be ready for work in his crisp button-down shirt and tie, his hair slicked back and styled.

  “Mouse,” he called. “Breakfast is ready.”

  That made her rush out. She wanted to be the one to make their meals. “Oh, wow,” she said when her eyes fell on the stack of pancakes on the table. “Thank you.”

  He pulled out a chair for her, like a gentleman, and something in her chest fluttered. She could get used to being the object of Brad’s attention. In fact, she already dreaded the end of the semester and all the unknowns it brought.

  She slid into her chair and placed a napkin on her lap, digging into the fluffy pancakes. “These are delicious.” She licked a spot of syrup from her lip.

  Brad’s eyes were on her mouth, his lids heavy.

  “Brad?” she began tentatively.

  “Yes, mouse?”

  “I’d like to make a nice dinner tonight, but I’ve already spent the allowance my father gave me for the semester. I didn’t have to buy groceries living at the dorm, so it went rather fast now that I’m buying my own food.”

  Brad moved to reach for his wallet in his back pocket, then seemed to reconsider. Scooting his chair back, he said, “Come sit on Daddy’s lap and ask him sweetly.”

  Her heart picked up speed. Dabbing the corners of her mouth with her napkin, she stood and walked over to him. She straddled his lap and pressed her warm core right against the bulge in his trousers, rocking her pelvis forward and back. She twined her arms behind his neck and leaned forward to speak in his ear. “Daddy,” she said in her best baby-girl voice, “May I please have some spending money?”

  The surge of his cock against his trousers was the only confirmation she needed. She may not understand the meaning behind Brad’s games, but she did know how to play. In fact, it seemed she’d been born for nothing other than to be Brad’s plaything.

  He gripped her bottom and pulled her even closer, closing his eyes for a moment, as if to savor the feeling. For the first time, she felt as if she were in charge. Some of Brad’s control had slipped as he showcased his desire for her. Why had he still not taken her, then?

  “If you keep this up, little girl, I’ll be broke in no time.”

  She nibbled on his ear. “I just need a widdle bit of money, Daddy,” she said, still using a baby voice.

  His fingers squeezed her bottom tighter. “Reach into Daddy’s back pocket for his wallet.” His voice sounded thick.

  She stretched her arm, seeking the billfold, but feeling the muscular lines of his buttocks as she did. She pulled it out and sat back, a satisfied smirk on her face as she played the part of the greedy child. Opening the wallet, she batted her lashes at him. “How much may I have, Daddy?”

  “All of it,” he said, lids low. “You can have all you need.”

  She beamed at him, but plucked out a twenty dollar bill, leaving at least another fifteen for him. “This should be enough.” She folded it and tucked it inside her bra, loving the way his eyes followed the movement hungrily.

  She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “You’d better go to work, Daddy, or you’ll be late.”

  He started, as if he’d forgotten all about work. Helping her off his lap, he stood and picked up his lunchbox. “I’ll see you tonight, little girl. Be good.”

  “I will, Daddy.” She beamed her most innocent smile.

  When he left, she cleaned up the dishes and apartment, her spirit dancing a little jig. Playing house with Brad was more fun than she’d ever imagined.

  * * *

  Brad opened the door to the apartment and stopped dead in his tracks. LuAnn looked like the perfect little housewife, in a strapless red and white polka dot dress, with a bold red scarf at her neck. She’d tied a red satin ribbon around her head to hold the hair out of her face.

  She turned to him with a bright smile, but when he just stood there, her expression dimmed. She smoothed the front of her dress. “Do I… Well, I—”

  Finally, he made his lips move. “You look beautiful.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and the smile returned.

  “And it smells delicious. What are you cooking?”

  “Roast chicken, potatoes and carrots, and I made a homemade apple pie,” she said, beaming. “I also washed and ironed all your clothes and cleaned the apartment.”

  He frowned. “Did you study at all today?”

  She put her hands on her hips and stomped her foot, in the childish way he found so appealing. Mainly because he liked having a reason to spank her naughty little bottom. He adored her innate childishness.

  “Can’t you just say thank you, LuAnn?”

  He grinned and sauntered closer to her. “Thank you, LuAnn,” he said, slipping his hands around her waist and letting them wander to her delectable buttocks. He squeezed and kneaded her cheeks. “Still sore?” he asked, remembering how beautiful she looked during her spanking the night before.

  She hesitated, as if not sure how to answer.

  He touched her nose. “The truth, mouse.”

  She grinned. “Not really. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like the dickens at the time.” She gave another foot stomp.

your foot again and you’ll go back over my knee,” he growled in her ear.

  She shivered against him.

  A knock at the door make them spring apart, and he had to adjust his pants to hide his erection. Pulling the door open, he groaned inwardly. Dottie again. The girl could not take a hint.

  She pressed a plate of cookies into his hands and attempted to push her way past him. This time, he stepped aside, so she could see he had company.

  “Oh,” she stopped short when she saw LuAnn.

  LuAnn gave her a tight smile. “Hello.”

  “Dottie, this is my...stepsister LuAnn. She’s staying with me for a few weeks while she finishes up her studies at Sarah Wharton. So you can see, this really isn’t a good time.”

  Dottie’s eyes swept around the room, taking in the dinner preparations and the beautifully set table, complete with a candle in the middle. Her brow furrowed. “Stepsister?”

  “Yes, my stepsister. Like I said, she’s staying here with me and she’s just fixing supper. Thank you for the cookies, though.”

  Dottie’s face clouded with confusion. “Oh...okay. Well, I’ll see you in a few weeks, then?”

  “I’m not sure.” He didn’t want to commit, but also didn’t want any drama if he broke things off permanently right there. Her lips pursed, but he was already escorting her to the door. “Thanks again for the cookies. I’ll see you around.” He hustled her out.

  When he turned back, LuAnn had made herself busy in the kitchen, scrubbing down counters that already appeared clean. She fiddled with the knob on the oven, then returned to scrubbing some more.

  “How long until supper’s ready? Judging by the smell, it must be close.”

  “Oh, actually, it’s going to be a while longer.” She sniffed and turned back to the counter, still wiping things down.

  He retreated, changing into more comfortable clothes, then settled on the sofa to read the newspaper. After a half an hour, he smelled something burning. “Are you sure that chicken isn’t done? It smells ready to me.” He headed for the oven.

  She blocked him, stepping in front of it and folding her arms across her chest and lifting her chin. “Nope. Not ready.”