Stepbrother's Rules: A 1950's Ageplay Romance Read online

Page 4

  “Carnival? I thought you said she was grounded.”

  She winced at the disapproval in Brian’s voice.

  Brad shrugged, pulling her away. “She is, but she studied all day yesterday, so this is her reward. See you later,” he said over his shoulder.

  “Brad—” Brian called after him, a note of warning in his voice.

  “Don’t worry. I have it covered.”

  “We’re riding on the motorcycle, right?” she asked as they headed toward her Thunderbird.

  “Yes, silly. Although your dad would probably kill me if he knew. That’s one more thing we’ll have to make sure he never finds out.”

  She pushed the tendrils of guilt away. Her parents needn’t know about any of this—not about getting kicked out of the dorm, nor about her living with Brad, especially not about the bare-bottomed spankings he’d given her.

  She wouldn’t change her present situation for the world. Living with Brad brought out a yearning for more of him—more closeness, more touching, even more spanking. She liked being under his control. His game of playing strict made him all the more devastatingly attractive to her.

  He drove the car back to his apartment where she changed out of her Sunday best and into a pair of Capris and a blouse. She tied a pretty red print scarf around her neck. When she came out of the bedroom, Brad went in, passing her in the doorway. His eyes raked over her, taking in her outfit with an appreciative glint in his blue gaze. He had already unbuttoned his cuffs, and a flash of heat went through her body as she pictured him taking off his shirt. He touched her shoulder as they passed, his torso brushing her back, sending tingles of heat across her skin. What did that strong chest look like naked? Did he have hair dusting the sculpted muscles? Or was it smooth?

  She stumbled back, blushing, and walked toward the front door, where she bounced on her heels as she waited for him to emerge.

  The bedroom door opened moments later and he came out, dressed in blue jeans and a white t-shirt, carrying his black leather jacket. He walked over to her and held it open.

  She looked at him, confused.

  “Put it’ll protect you from the wind.”

  The idea of wearing his jacket made her tingle with happiness. But that was silly—it wasn’t like it meant anything—he wasn’t her high school beau giving her his letter jacket. Still, she ducked her head to hide her smile as she slid her arms into his jacket.

  He turned her around and zipped it for her, all the way up to her chin.

  “I do know how to zip things.”

  “Don’t sass me or you’ll earn another trip over my knee before we go,” he said, making her belly flutter.

  She kept her mouth shut, but wondered why he did things like that for her. Was it because he still thought of her as too young to take care of her own basic needs? That seemed ridiculous. She’d been thirteen years old when they met, old enough even then to zip a jacket or put her own napkin on her lap. So why did he persist in treating her like a little girl? It seemed strange.

  He put a helmet on her and buckled the strap beneath her chin. “You look cute,” he said, tweaking her nose.

  She sniffed. Cute, huh? Not exactly the image she wanted to convey.

  “Come on.” He picked up her hand and led her to the motorcycle. He climbed on and she swallowed, suddenly daunted by the big bike. He seemed to notice, because he said gently, “Don’t be scared, mouse. Hop on.”

  She drew a breath and swung her leg over the bike, sliding onto the seat behind him.

  “Put your arms around my waist.”

  She placed her hands on his hips as he kicked the motorcycle into life.

  He pulled one of her wrists across his waist. “You’re going to want to hang on,” he cautioned as the bike lurched forward.

  She gasped and clung to him, losing all compunction about getting too close. Pressing the front of her body against his back, she slid her hips forward until they touched his, winding both arms around his waist. The wind made her gasp for breath and squeeze her eyes shut. Brad wore sunglasses, and she now understood why. Her eyes watered as she blinked to take in the scenery whizzing by. The ride was magnificent, terrifying and utterly thrilling at the same time. Sort of like Brad himself.

  Chapter Three

  Brad chuckled at LuAnn’s death grip on his waist, which tightened every time he turned or leaned the bike. Despite the fact that she’d been playing at being wild, her beguiling innocence showed through in so many ways.

  He’d never dated nice girls, not even after he’d graduated and started working as a professional. He wasn’t the sort of boy to bring home to mother, for one thing, or he hadn’t been in high school. And since he wasn’t looking for a serious girlfriend, he’d run with the fast girls.

  LuAnn may want to pretend she fit in with that type of girl, but she didn’t. Underneath the rebellion was a sweet and polite girl. The kind of girl he’d never have.

  He arrived at the carnival and parked his motorcycle. They walked together to the ticket counter where he bought a long string of tickets to play the games. “I can hold my jacket if it’s too hot now.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “It’s not too hot. Thanks.” She beamed at him, resplendent in dimples and perfect, white teeth.

  He grinned back and touched her nose. She liked wearing his jacket, pretending he was her boyfriend. He shouldn’t let her. He should clarify his role as big brother, and nothing more. Except ever since he’d taken her over his knee and then held her in his arms, he had no interest in being her big brother. Why, in all his dating, had he never met a girl like her? So fresh and sweet, so adoring.

  She looked around, standing on her tiptoes to survey it all, and bouncing on her heels with excitement.

  “What should we do first?”

  “Ferris wheel,” she exclaimed.

  “Ferris wheel, it is,” he said, putting his hand on her back and leading her toward the giant rotating disk.

  The line was long, but she spotted a few young women she knew who waved them in.

  “Hey, LuAnn,” a dark-haired girl said with a curious look. “I heard you left Sarah Wharton.”

  “Nope,” she said, only blushing a little. “I just moved off-campus.”

  The girls stared at him. “This is Brad,” she said, “my, um…” She darted a glance at him. “...friend.”

  He didn’t contradict her. They were friends, after all. Sort of. In the we’re-related-by-marriage-and-I-can’t-keep-my-hands-off-her way. Not wanting to stay and chit chat with her fellow coeds, he excused himself. “I’ll be right back, mouse.” When she gave him a panicked look, he said, “I promise I’ll be back before it’s our turn, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said, her face relaxing.

  He walked over to lean against a building and pulled his pack of cigarettes out from where he’d rolled it in his shirt sleeve. He lit up, watching LuAnn pretending not to watch him. What was it he found so irresistible about her? The simple fact he couldn’t have her? No, there was something more. He couldn’t put a finger on it—it was more than the protectiveness he felt for her, more than the lust she inspired, or the way she blushed, or her starry-eyed gazes. Maybe it was all those things wrapped up into one.

  The snaking line had moved up and LuAnn was looking over at him. He stubbed out his cigarette and walked back to...he almost thought his girl. And he never said that, not about any girl he dated. And the wrongness of it somehow made it feel even more right.

  She turned to him as he approached, her green eyes lighting up as her lips curved into a wide smile. This was the mouse he’d observed when she thought no one was watching. When she forgot to try to be cool or impress others. He’d always loved watching her childlike enthusiasm for simple pleasures like Ferris wheels and, well, his presence.

  Her unwavering regard filled him with pride, as if he was someone so much more important than an entry-level architect in his second year of the profession. He wanted to kiss her berry lips suddenly, with
an ache that had him sucking in his breath to inhibit the urge.

  Wrong. This all was so wrong, and yet he couldn’t stop letting it play out. He found his stepsister too fascinating, too tempting to leave alone.

  They climbed on the Ferris wheel and he put his arm around her shoulders, allowing her to snuggle up against his side and pretend she was afraid. Her hand trembled on the bar, but he knew it wasn’t from fear. Around and around the wheel went, their bucket tipping forward and swinging with each lurch as the conductor loaded the people. At last they all were seated and the wheel began to spin.

  The passengers broke into cries of glee, and LuAnn joined them, lifting her hands from the bar and reaching toward the sky, her eyes wide with delight. He grinned back at her, the childish joy contagious.

  “I love the view from up here,” she said as the wheel spun around once, then twice, then a third time. The conductor began to stop it, car by car to let the passengers off. “Aw.” She stuck out her lower lip.

  He wanted to kiss it. No, he wanted to bite it between his teeth—gently, of course. He wanted to pull her onto his lap and tease her with his hands and lips and tongue until she squirmed with delight.

  Of course, he did no any such thing. Instead, when the conductor let them off their car, he took her to the bean bag tossing booth and won her a big, fluffy brown teddy bear with a gingham ribbon around his neck.

  “This can replace that ratty old white bear I gave you years ago.”

  “No way. I’m not getting rid of Marshmallow.” ” She squeezed the bear, twirling back and forth with it. “I’ll just add Beary to my collection.”

  He smiled. “Beary, huh? Cute.” Like you.

  Her cheeks turned pink and she ducked her head, adorable in her embarrassment.

  * * *

  “Oh, he’s absolutely dreamy, Lu,” Beth said, handing her a cigarette and lighting a match.

  She didn’t know Beth that well, but they’d been in the same dorm and had gone to squeal at an Elvis Presley concert together once. It was nice to have a friend to sneak off behind the bathrooms with to have a cigarette. “I know. But we’re, dating.”

  “That’s not how it seemed to me. I saw the way he looked at you.”

  She held the cigarette out to the flame and inhaled, then coughed when her lungs filled with smoke. “How did he look?”

  “Like he thought you were adorable. He had an indulgent sort of smile.”

  She frowned. Adorable and indulgent. Both words sounded big-brotherly. Not passionate. Or adoring. Or lustful.

  Well, what did she expect? She had acted like a child back there. Why, oh, why had she made such a fuss about the bear? She didn’t want him to find her adorable. She wanted to be sophisticated, smart, sexy, sassy. She wanted to be far from the little “mouse” he still called her.

  She needed to come up with a new strategy. Maybe instead of hiding back here smoking, she should just march over and ask him for a cigarette. Except she never could light it up without coughing. That wasn’t cool.

  “Well, he’s not my boyfriend. But maybe soon…” she said with a wicked smile.

  Beth dug in her purse and handed her a gold tube of lipstick. “Here,” she said. “Make yourself appealing.”

  “Thanks.” She accepted the gold tube and pulled off the cap. The lipstick was bright red—bolder than Marilyn Monroe’s. “Gee, do you think this is too much?” she asked, but rubbed it over her lips before Beth could respond.

  “No, you look sharp. Very sultry.”

  She took a puff on the cigarette, looking at the stain her lips left behind. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, silly. It’s perfect. See?” Beth smeared the daring shade on her own lips, puckering them in an imaginary kiss.

  LuAnn giggled and closed her eyes, leaning forward to imitate Beth’s pose. “Like this?”

  “Yes, dahling, you look mahvelous.”

  She dropped her cigarette and rubbed it out with her round-toed pump. “Thanks.” She gave the girl an air kiss. “Let’s go see if it works.”

  She walked out from behind the restrooms toward the big tent where the animals were kept. The sky had clouded over and she was glad, now, that she’d kept Brad’s jacket.

  “There you are.” His deep voice sounded behind her as he caught her elbow. His brows were lowered. “I’ve been looking for you. We need to get out of here before it rains. Come on,” he said, tugging her toward the parking lot.

  It took her until they reached the motorcycle to realize what the hurry was. Duh. Of course it would be unpleasant to ride in the rain. She zipped the teddy bear he’d bought her inside the leather jacket as they hustled toward the motorcycle.

  He picked up the helmet and began to slip it on, then stopped with a frown. “Have you been smoking?”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

  His lips flattened. “You’re too young to smoke.”

  “I’m twenty years old,” she said, lifting her chin.

  He put his arm around the front of her waist and turned her sideways to smack her backside. “You don’t need to try to look glamorous by smoking, LuAnn Walter.”

  Her face flooded with heat at being swatted in public. She needed to dissuade him of this image he had of her, right away. Why couldn’t he see she had grown up and was ready to play at his speed? “Why shouldn’t I be able to smoke? You do.”

  “Well, I’m an adult.” He grasped her chin is his fingers, holding her face captive. “Were you smoking to impress me?”

  “What? No,” she said, but her protest came out too loud and shrill to sound true. She hadn’t been. Not really. But maybe wearing his leather jacket and seeing him smoking had made her want to accept that cigarette from Beth.

  “The truth, little girl.”

  She stamped her foot and tried to pull her chin away, but his fingers tightened. “I am not a little girl.”

  “You are. You’re my little girl to watch over, remember? Listen to me, mouse. No more smoking. I’ll quit, too. I don’t want to be a bad influence on you.”

  She rolled her eyes. He made her sound like a thirteen-year-old girl who still hero-worshipped him and copied everything he did. That wasn’t it. She smoked because she was a grown up, exercising her independence and pleasure.

  He popped her butt again. “Do not roll your eyes at me, young lady, or I will bend you over this motorcycle seat and spank you in front of everyone at this carnival.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He folded his arms across his chest and smirked. “Try me.”

  She flushed and looked away. She didn’t want to cave in, but didn’t dare to test him.

  He grasped her nape and pulled her close, so close she lost her breath when her breasts came in contact with his ribs. “Say, I promise I won’t smoke again, Daddy,” he rumbled.

  Her sex contracted. She couldn’t decide if he was teasing by calling himself Daddy or if he really meant it. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

  His lips were inches from hers and his slate blue eyes bored into her with an intensity that made her entire body flush with heat. “Say it, little girl, or I will punish you, right here and now.”

  Another squeeze of her vaginal muscles and a slithering sensation in her belly.

  “I…” She cleared her throat. “I promise I won’t smoke again...Daddy.” Her nipples tingled, tightening under her cone-shaped bra.

  His lips curved into a satisfied smile. “Good girl,” he murmured and planted a kiss—darn it all—on her forehead, not her lips.

  Still, she basked in his approval, which warmed her to her toes.

  He didn’t break their gaze as he reached for the motorcycle helmet and slid it over her head, buckling the chin strap. He looked at the sky and his smile faded, his expression tightening. “Come on, mouse. We need to hurry.”

  She settled behind him on the bike seat, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  He started the motorcycle and kicked off, wasting no time gettin
g them out of the parking lot and back on the highway.

  Rain began to fall only a few miles later, first a few drops, and then a steady downpour. She hunched her shoulders and hid her face against his back, feeling guilty that she wore his jacket and he was left unprotected. The sky darkened. Their speed made the drops of rain bite, stinging her legs and arms and anywhere else they hit. The thin Capri pants clung to her legs, soaked. By the time they made it back to his apartment, her teeth were chattering with cold, her body shivering and shaking.

  * * *

  Brad couldn’t believe he had driven LuAnn on his motorcycle in the rain. It was utterly irresponsible of him. In addition to being unsafe, he now feared she would catch her death of cold, because her slender body trembled in paroxysmal shivers.

  He parked the bike and helped her off, putting an arm around her waist and hurrying her upstairs to his apartment.

  “Come on, let’s get you into a hot bath.” He led her toward the bathroom.

  She made no protest, looking small beneath his helmet and leather jacket. He turned on the hot water in the tub and took the helmet from her hands when she removed it. He moved to unzip his jacket before she could. Something about her, looking so cold and lost, brought out the protector in him. He needed to take care of her now, needed to be the one who fixed this mistake he’d made.

  He shucked the jacket and began to unbutton her blouse.

  She looked down at his hands, her green eyes widening in surprise.

  “What?” If she had protested, he probably would have stopped. But she just shook her head so he went on.

  Of course it was wrong. He knew it was wrong, and yet the knowing made it all the more enticing. He opened the soaked blouse, revealing her white bra, constructed out of satin with the stiff cones that made her breasts look like twin mountain peaks. He reached behind her and released the fasteners.

  She gasped and shifted, taking a side step but then stumbling back like a nervous filly.

  “It’s okay,” he murmured, turning her around to face the tub and cupping her breasts from behind. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, pinching and rubbing them.