Stepbrother's Rules: A 1950's Ageplay Romance Read online

Page 11

  “How was Europe?” she asked, trying to calm her beating heart.

  “Oh, it was lovely, darling. We loved the French Riviera—Nice is nice, as they say!”

  “Did Father relax?”

  Her stepmother made a face. “He was on the phone to the stores every day—cost us a fortune in telephone bills! But, yes, I think he did slow down enough to ease his ticker.”

  God help his heart when he finds out about Brad.

  They followed her stepmother inside where Brad shook hands with her father and she gave him a hug and kiss.

  “Come on into the kitchen, I just made a cake,” her stepmother said. She started to make coffee and LuAnn got out the plates and forks for the three-layer chocolate cake.

  “Thanks for coming,” her father teased. “Otherwise, I’d have to wait until after dinner for my cake.” He gave her a wink and another pang shot through her. She hated to ruin his jovial mood.

  They sat down at the table. “So, LuAnn, I must have you to thank for bringing Brad home—I don’t think he’s come on his own once since he moved away. Were you too nervous to drive on your own?”

  The breath left her chest. Now was the moment. She glanced at Brad.

  “Actually, LuAnn and I have been seeing each other,” he said.

  All the air seemed to leave the room. Her stepmother blinked, uncomprehending. Her father’s eyes bugged.

  “You what?” her father snarled.

  Brad nodded calmly. “I’ve been dating LuAnn.”

  Dating was a very nice way of putting it.

  “We’re going to get married.”

  Her father’s brows slammed down. “Absolutely not. Are you out of your mind? You can’t date and you can’t marry her. She’s your sister, for God’s sake.”

  “Bob,” her stepmother said, her eyes wide and worried. “Your heart.”

  Her father drew in two deep breaths.

  “She’s not my real sister,” Brad reasoned. “And we’re in love.”

  “No,” her father cut in. Then a horrified look came over his face as he turned to her. “You’re not in the family way are you?”

  “Of course not,” she snapped, although she had no right to sound so defensive. She was the one who had tricked Brad into having sex with her before they married.

  “Then you will not marry. I forbid it.”

  Brad stood up, his lips tight. The two had always butted heads, but this time it was much worse. He held out his hand to her and she scooted her chair back to stand. “I will marry LuAnn with or without your permission.”

  “No,” her father thundered.

  “Yes,” she said, stepping closer to Brad, who wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  Her stepmother looked ready to cry.

  “I’m sorry,” LuAnn said.

  “Now wait a minute—” her father began, but Brad was already leading her out the door. “Get back here this instant.”

  “Bob, please,” her stepmother cried, her voice breaking.

  Brad led her out of the house and down the driveway, pulling open her car door for her. “It’s all right, baby girl,” he said, wrapping her into a hug.

  Oddly, it hurt much less than she’d thought. She’d expected that outcome, really, and now, at least, the anticipation of it was over. She didn’t feel afraid or upset—not with Brad standing in front of her, willing to shield her. She looked up at the window and saw both their parents looking out at them, her stepmother’s hand on her father’s arm in what appeared to be an entreaty.

  “Come on,” she murmured, pulling away. “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  LuAnn’s father didn’t think he was good enough for her. Brad wasn’t sure he blamed the man. After all, their first year as stepfather and son had been explosive. He’d had a devil-may-care attitude about life in general, and Bob Walters had tried, unsuccessfully, to bring him in line.

  He didn’t think his stepfather ever believed he’d graduate from college, much less hold down a professional job, especially without the elder man’s financial help and supervision. The fact that Brad had accomplished something with his life had never been recognized.

  As he stood next to his bride at the courthouse, four days after their fallout with their parents, guilt wormed its way into his chest. LuAnn deserved better than this. She deserved to have a traditional wedding, and to be given away on the arm of her father. He should have taken more time to assure his stepfather of his worth as a husband and provider for LuAnn.

  Brian and Sally had come. His brother had been stunned by the news of their planned elopement, but had quickly recovered and declared himself in support of their union. LuAnn looked gorgeous in a strapless white lace and chiffon tea-length dress. He’d given her a bouquet of white roses to hold and a string of fresh-water pearls to wear. Despite the circumstances, she glowed, looking as happy and radiant as a bride ever looked on her wedding day.

  The judge recognized Brian, and greeted them warmly, calling them up to the bench for the ceremony. Brian stood behind him, like a best man, and Sally stood beside LuAnn.

  “Do you have a ring for the bride?”

  “I do,” he said, digging into his pocket.

  LuAnn gaped at him in surprise.

  “You didn’t think I’d let you marry without a ring, did you?”

  Her smile brightened the entire room and made his breath stall in his chest. Spending the rest of his life working to earn that look from his bride would be a worthy endeavor.

  He opened the ring box and withdrew the little ring—a white gold band with a flower shaped out of diamond chips.

  “Oh, Brad, it’s beautiful,” she breathed, holding out her finger.

  “Hang on, sweetheart, I think there’s an order to this,” he said, looking at the judge expectantly.

  The judge laughed. “Indeed, there is,” he said and proceeded to officiate the brief ceremony in which they both said “I do.”

  “By the power vested in me by the State of Connecticut, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Brad held both her hands and leaned forward for a brief, but warm kiss, one which he hoped conveyed the promise of a great deal of passion in the imminent future.

  They turned around to exit and LuAnn gasped. Their parents stood in the hallway. His stepfather’s hands were jammed in his pockets and his mother’s shoulders were bunched up to her ears. He glanced at Brian, who must have given them the time and location of their marriage ceremony.

  His brother shrugged. “Mom wanted to be here.”

  Indeed, his mother stood there, twisting her fingers, a sheen of tears glistening in her eyes. She threw her arms around him as if they’d been estranged for years and not a week.

  LuAnn released his hand and he turned to see her offering a kiss to her father, who looked awkward, but not angry, this time.

  Her father cleared his throat, but no words emerged from his mouth.

  Instead, it was Brian who spoke. “Sally made a cake. Would you all like to come over to my place to celebrate?”

  Actually, he’d rather carry his wife home and show her all the ways she belonged to him, but he flashed a smile. “We would love to. Thank you, Sally, that was so thoughtful of you.”

  Sally beamed and he wondered how long it would be before he and LuAnn attended her wedding to Brian. He turned an inquisitive look on their parents, who agreed to meet them there as well. As they walked to the car, his stepfather pulled him aside.

  “I wanted to apologize, Brad. The news of your relationship with LuAnn came as a shock, but upon reflection, I don’t think you two are unsuited.” He spoke stiffly, as if he’d rehearsed the words.

  He handed him an envelope. “I know you’ve always been too proud to accept my help, but I hope you will take this wedding gift,” he said. “I want you two to buy a house with it, and a car. I don’t want you driving LuAnn around on that—”

  “I sold the Ducati,” he cut in. He forced himself to take a breath
and accept the overture. “I appreciate the gift. I’d like to design a custom house for LuAnn, and I didn’t know how I’d be able to with starting my own firm.”

  “Your own firm?” He braced himself for criticism, but instead, his stepfather smiled and visibly relaxed. “Well, that sounds wonderful.” He stopped and shook Brad’s hand. “Will you let me know if I can help?”

  “Of course, sir,”

  “And you’ll take good care of her?”

  He smiled. “I will take her happiness and care as the most important duty in my life.” He shook hands with his stepfather and returned to LuAnn.

  He wrapped an arm around his beautiful bride, pulling her against his side and kissing the top of her head. “Are you ready for some cake, Mrs. Stanford?”

  She beamed up at him, love shining in her eyes. “Say it again.”

  “Mrs. Stanford.”

  “Yes. Again.”

  He wrapped her up in both arms. “I love you, Mrs. Stanford.”


  Six Months Later

  LuAnn couldn’t believe she had actually followed Brad’s orders as she stood cooking over the stove in their new rental house in nothing but an apron, garters and stockings, and stiletto heels. If one of their new neighbors happened to come to the door to borrow a cup of sugar, she would have to hide under the bed and pretend no one was home. And pray they hadn’t seen her through the windows.

  Still, the naughtiness of it all had her heart fluttering about in her chest.

  Her husband had an utterly filthy, wicked mind and she adored him for it. Becoming Mrs. Brad Stanford was more than a dream come true. Every day had become a discovery—of her own true nature, of passion, of exploring her inner child, and of course, of submission to her very dominant husband.

  His new business had steady enough work that she could stay at home as his housewife, a job she simply adored. Brad had designed a house just for her and was having it built with the money her father had given them. He said she could decorate it any way she pleased.

  She heard the door click open and purposely did not turn from the stove, since the best view of her outfit was from behind.

  Brad gave a soft groan. “Oh, Lulu, you’re killing me.”

  She twisted to smile over her shoulder with her best innocent look. She lifted one high heel in the air. “Whatever do you mean? I’m just preparing your dinner, Daddy.”

  He walked up behind her and grasped her naked buttocks, his fingers sinking into her flesh with a possessive firmness. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “Hmm,” she said smugly. “Yes, that was sort of the idea.”

  He gave her bottom a slap. “Dinner can wait. Get into the bedroom.”

  She giggled and pulled away, running down the hall with a “you can’t catch me” taunt.

  Brad laughed and gave chase. He caught her at the bedroom door and threw her up into his arms with a whoop. “Do you know what, sweetheart?” he asked, carrying her to the bed.

  “What, Daddy?”

  He laid her on her back with her legs in the air. “Daddy’s cock has been waiting to be inside you all day.”

  She lifted the apron out of the way to reveal her pussy, shaved bare for him. “I’m ready for you.”

  He gripped her thighs and lowered his head to her pulsing core. “Are you?” he rasped, flicking his tongue out to taste her juices.

  She jerked at the touch. “Oh, Daddy.”

  “I’m going to put a baby inside you, Lulu.”

  She leaned up on her elbows, surprised. “What?”

  “No more condoms. Daddy’s going to get his baby girl pregnant.”

  She didn’t think it would be possible to still blush at the things he said, but she did now. “Are you ready for children? I thought we were going to wait until your business was more established.”

  Brad undid his trousers and freed his erection. “I want to see my baby growing in your belly.” He rubbed the head of his cock over her sex and finding her more than ready, pushed in.

  She tipped her head back and moaned.

  “Who does this little body belong to, Lulu?”

  “To Daddy,” she groaned as he withdrew his cock almost entirely before pushing in anew.

  “That’s right. And so if Daddy decides it’s time for Lulu to get pregnant, does my baby girl have a choice?”

  She loved when he talked this way—making her feel so completely possessed by him. “No, Daddy,” she moaned. “I don’t have any choice. Daddy can do whatever he wants with my body.”

  He picked up the pace, pushing in and thrusting up with each stroke, hitting the spot on her inner wall that made her come undone.

  “Oh, Daddy, yes.”

  “Daddy’s going to fuck his little girl senseless, morning, noon and night, until she gives him what he wants.”

  Her first climax ripped through her, as much from his words as from the plundering.

  “That’s it, baby girl, squeeze my cock with your tight little muscles.”

  She contracted her core on purpose and he lost his breath, his eyes rolling back. She loved when the power shifted this way, almost as much as she loved having no power in the relationship.

  He began to slam into her with force. “I’m going to make your sweet little pussy sore from all the fucking.”

  The coil of her second orgasm wound tighter and she arched, offering her body up to him.

  “Oh, LuAnn,” he groaned. “You” He brought his thumb to her pussy and rubbed her nubbin of pleasure. “Come for me, baby.”

  Her muscles contracted on command and he shoved in deep, the hot liquid of his climax filling her as she found her own release.

  He shuddered and lowered himself to kiss her neck. “Baby girl,” he murmured, “I love being in charge of you.”

  She smiled up at him. “That’s a good thing, Daddy, because I love it when you take charge of me!” She snuggled against him, loving the way his arms immediately wrapped around her, the delicious comfort she always found there filling her with warmth. “This is where I always want to be,” she murmured.

  “Where, baby doll?”

  “Here, in your arms. With you.”

  He kissed her hair. “That’s good, because this is where you belong, sweetheart.”

  She sighed, closing her eyes and basking in the glow of Brad’s affection.

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  Click here to sign up for Renee Rose’s newsletter and receive a free copy of Her Billionaire Boss (written under her other pen name Darling Adams). You will not receive more than 12 newsletters a year. In addition to the free spanking story, you will also get special pricing, exclusive previews and news of new releases.

  Other Titles by Renee Rose


  The Darlington Incident


  The Reddington Scandal

  The Westerfield Affair

  Pleasing the Colonel


  The Professor's Girl

  Mob Mistress

  The Bossman

  Safe in his Arms


  Coming to Terms


  The Elusive "O" (FREE)


  The Devil of Whiskey Row

  The Outlaw's Bride


  Lords and Ladies: Two Medieval Spanking Novellas

  The Knight's Prisoner


  Held for Ransom

  The Knight's Seduction

  The Conquered Brides (5 book box set)


  His Captive Mortal

  The Alpha’s Punishment

  The Alpha’s Hunger

  Deathless Love

  Deathless Discipline (FREE)

  The Winter Storm: An Ever After Chronicle


  Loving Lucia

  Courting Celia


  Her Hollywood Daddy

  BDSM under the name Darling Adams

  Medical Play

  Yes, Doctor


  Punishing Portia

  About the Author

  Named Eroticon USA's Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, Renee Rose is a naughty author who writes romance books centered around her favorite kink: spanking. She won Spanking Romance Reviews' Best Historical Romance, has often made the list of Amazon's Top 100 Erotic Authors and is a regular columnist for Write Sex Right. She also pens BDSM stories under the name Darling Adams.

  Renee loves to connect with readers! Please visit her on:

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  I am infinitely grateful for such thorough and supportive beta reads from Kim R., Rose L., Aubrey Cara, Casey McKay, Patty Devlin, Cara Bristol and Sue Lyndon. Thanks to Celeste Jones for dreaming up the 1950’s box set Correcting the Coeds and asking me to be a part of it. Thank you to my editor, Liz Borino.

  And of course, thank you, readers for taking the time to read and indulging in my little stepbrother ageplay fantasy!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


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  Other Titles by Renee Rose

  About the Author
